Friday, September 17, 2010

Dyeing Jag--Part 2

My last post revealed the first 5 colors from my "dyeing jag" of the previous week.  Today's post is to reveal the last 5.  After those first colors, which in many ways were related, things got much more random...

The next color is "Island Breeze".  At this point in the dying I started looking at the colors I had and thinking, "Hmmm....what color am I missing today?"  Turquoise and blue came to mind first...

Island Breeze

After that, was still jonesing for more turquoise and I'll always be in favor of more fuchsia.  So, "First Kiss" came to be.

First Kiss

At that point, I needed to go a little darker and definitely needed some red.  "Patriot" is a mix of 4 reds, 4 blues, and the tiniest bit of white occassionally left in as well.


After "Patriot" I was still looking for some red and blue but wanted to go a bit darker.  I also wanted to use some of the colors I hadn't used much of lately.  So, I used olive green, spruce, navy blue, and crimson.  It was starting to get dark outside when I hung it up to dry.  All I could think initially was that it reminded me of night.  Except for the dark red.  Blood?  And what about the slightly icky quality of the olive green?  Zombies!!  This must be a sign that I am hanging out with some strange people (or great people who just happen to write some really twisted, sick, and messed up stuff) way too much.


And finally, one of my colors that I love and want to play around with some more is "Desire".  It has eight colors in it but the ones that always strike me the most are where the fuchsia blends into the sky blue, burnt orange, and vermillion.  So, I used those four.  I love it just as much.  But, since it is a lighter, pinker version of "Desire" I decided to call it "Crush".


I will be adding all of these colors to the color page and also to my Etsy shop.  I will be having a sale in the shop in the upcoming weeks.  I am phasing out some of the colors and adding these new ones so there will be some outrageous deals on the discontinued stuff.  Plus, I like the idea of "the early bird gets the worm" so I will again be doing a sliding scale discount where the sooner you stop in, the bigger your discount will be.  Watch for the tweets.  You can follow me on Twitter @BrightEyedDyer.

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