Meanwhile, with Balticon just 3 months away, I've got to get back to the dyeing. I have so many cool colorways in the back of my brain just waiting to be unleashed in the form of awesome sock yarn... Yet, with moving out looming on the horizon, I can't afford (spacewise) to have this much yarn around.
I landed a part-time job (with the potential to become full time but I am still looking for a full time job just in case...) last week.
So, to move some of this stock out of here, and in celebration of landing something (anything in this job market), I'm having a sale in my Etsy shop. Everything is 50% off!! I lowered the prices so that you don't have to wait for a refund through PayPal. These prices will be in effect from now (Sunday 2/27/11) through Saturday (3/5/11).
You've got a full week to go wild and grab some crazy colors for your Spring and Summer socks-to-be.
Have fun, and thank you for your continued support!