If you haven't paid for your pre-orders yet, I ask that you do so before Wed 5/26 midnight. That will let me close the books on the pre-orders in time to bring them with me for delivery. To access and pay for your order, click on the link for my Etsy shop at the top of the page. Once there, if you don't already have a profile set up on Etsy, you will need to do that. It is easy and painless. Once you have your profile established and are in my shop, on the right hand side there is a list of categories of items for sale. Click on "Reserve Listings". Look for the listing that says, "Reserved for __________". Find the one with your name on it, add to cart, and proceed to checkout. You can use either an already funded PayPal account or a regular bank card through PayPal.
Again, thank you so much for your orders. I can't wait for you to see your special yarn.
I will be driving to Lovelyarns in Baltimore Friday afternoon, around or just after lunch time. If you would like to come along to see this wonderful shop and/or to help me celebrate the delivery of my first sale to a yarn shop I would love to have the company! If you think you might be interested let me know and we can work out logistics. My momvan seats eight so there is plenty of room!
If you are thinking about getting some of the Balticon colors but haven't made up your mind yet, I will be bringing the remaining inventory (along with my regular inventory) with me to Balticon.
As of this moment, here is what is still available in the Limited Edition Balticon Colorways:
2 skeins of "Flirty Girl"
2 skeins of "Cooley (the Fiend)"
2 skeins of "Geist"
1 skein of "Scouts"
Morevi is sold out
If you have already purchased a skein of your favorite color and want to get a second (and third) of the same color, now is the time. Additional skeins are each $20.
I know I've already said this a couple of times, but thank you for your orders. Thank you for all of the support you have all shown me not just with this, but with everything. You are each part of an amazing community of people that I am humbled and honored to have met. And, I can't wait to finally meet you all in person!! Only 5 more days!!!